
    « Licence, Master professionnels en formation ouverte et à distance pour le développement du tourisme durable en Chine, au Vietnam et au Kirghizstan »

    ERASMUS + LMPT n°573897-EPP-1-2016-BG-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP


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    The objectives of the Project:

    • The General Objectives:


    1. Promoting the reform and modernization of higher education in partner countries;
    2. Improving the quality and relevance of higher education in partner countries;
    3. Encouraging of the human resources development;
    4. Improvement of the higher education institutions and research institutes network between Partner Countries and EU Member Countries;
    5. Modernization of the identified priority academic disciplines of curricula by partner countries, through the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), the three-cycle system (BA-MA-PhD) and the diploma recognition;


    • The Specific Objectives:
    1. To compensate for the lack of qualification for the management of organizations and the design and development of projects in Sustainable Tourism, improving the employability of students and improving the executives ;of companies
    2. To support a profound change in professional practices through the deployment of a complete modular system covering all the needs of initial and continuing training in sustainable tourism trades and accessible in FOAD from digital resources;
    3. To professionalize educational programs in the field of sustainable tourism in line with the Bologna process and the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and relocate them partly to a company;
    4. To create 2 new courses accessible in FOAD for the development of sustainable tourism: a Professional bachelor in "Management of sustainable tourism establishments" and a professional Master in "Sustainable tourism development strategy";
    5. То train 20 university teachers in the EU;
    6. To train on these new courses in face-to-face or remotely in each of the countries on almost 270 students;
    7. To create a center of excellence in each country, resource center, support of the new offer and consultancy and expertise in sustainable tourism.
    8. To create a modular system of FTLV, transversal to sustainable tourism, accessible in FOAD from digital teaching resources and train 50 professionals per country.

    Project posters

     VietnameseAffiche LMPT banner PRINT VN Vietnamien

     RussianAffiche LMPT banner PRINT RU Russe

     FrenchAffiche LMPT banner PRINT FR Française

     ChineseAffiche LMPT banner PRINT CH Chinois

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